
Estensione frontale con ponti 100x31 cm N

Codice: NH85340
Prezzo: €340.40

Noch - Estensione frontale con ponti 100x31 cm N.

The 85340 Front Extension is specifically designed for the "Cortina" layout. This section is required to connect the 84320 right extension and 84350 left extension. Delivery Form: - Basic colours and grass applied. - Mounted on stable wood frame - Pre-cut tunnel underlays - Includes N/Z bridge Kit - Includes extension connectors - Z scale track plan for: Marklin Mini-ClubPlease pay attention: Extremely long wagons might cause problems in narrow curve sections because of the overhang. As all preformed layouts feature also the smallest radius of each manufacturer, long wagons might brush against the terrain, the tunnel entrances and exits as well as on bridges.

Caratteristiche tecniche del prodotto:
  •  Scala: N
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Estensione frontale con ponti 100x31 cm N noch NH85340
Estensione frontale con ponti 100x31 cm N noch NH85340Estensione frontale con ponti 100x31 cm N noch NH85340
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